ADHD is hereditary
by Christina Georgiadou
President *ADHD Hellas, Board Member ADHD Europe
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorder appearing in 5-7% of school population.
Studies have shown that ADHD is related to functional deficits in the neurotransmitters circuits in some areas of the brain.
The symptoms manifestate themselves early in the child’s life but the diagnosis cannot be accurate and valid before 6-7 years of age. The cardinal features of ADHD are carelessness, distraction, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Very often ADHD coexists with other disorders such as : disorders in the spectrum of autism, chronic anxiety disorders, major depression, learning difficulties, oppositional defiant disorder, severe conduct disorder, antisocial and delinquent disorder.
The diagnosis can be made by a highly specialized pedopsychiatric interdisciplinary team in tandem with the family and the teachers so as to evaluate all the parameters of the child’s behaviour , the peculiarities of his/her environment and the coexistent situations possibly related to ADHD or resulting from it. The diagnosis includes interviews with the child, the parents, the teachers, psychometric tests, neurological examination, and assessment of speech and learning skills. The customized treatment will be given according to the evaluation of the specialized interdisciplinary team and will include medication, psychotherapy, psychological education of the child and his/her parents, special education and supportive guidance.
The close cooperation between parents and teachers is deemed necessary and aims at not disturbing the school success and behaviour and mostly at defending the child and family’s quality of life.
Christina Georgiadou
President ADHD Hellas
Member of ADHD Europe
*ADHD Hellas is a non-profit organisation providing individuals with support, awareness, education as well as struggling for their rights in the area of education and social care.
It contributes to the awareness and sensitization of the public by organizing conferences, day conferences, workshops and lectures on ADHD with guest eminent Greek and foreign scientists.
To contact a member of the Society call 6976138837 or email