
Why do we exist?

We provide answers to every question – the answers to every question are provided by the respective collaborating expert.

Our research has indicated that what these families need are timely, theoretical briefing with experiential examples, applied solution and management practice by specialized scientists  just because of the multiplicity of this difficulty.

The group of i-paidi partners informs the parents on topics of their interest. It can provide them with: useful tricks for their behaviour towards their child, suggested education for the impulsive or hyperactive child, names and addresses of specialized professionals, events fully appropriate for the child with ADHD.

Also, the parents have the opportunity for Skype sessions with experts, after they have made an appointment.

Finally, i-paidi.gr gives the chance to expert scientists and business professionals offering specialized services for families and children with ADHD to promote themselves through special advertising packages.

It is common knowledge that parents are really busy throughout the day. For this reason, we have designed i-paidi.gr to function equally well on your PC, tablet, smartphone, using the best possible techniques for CONVERSATION and Skype.

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