
Speech therapy approach to children with ADHD

Speech difficulties and generally communication difficulties are often manifested among children with ADHD.

The speech therapist after an evaluation of the reasons, the speech and the communicative abilities of the child, sets a personalized program of therapy that suits the child’s personal needs.

The speech therapist helps with the understanding of the words and phrases and with the way the child uses speech for their daily communicative purposes. Through speech therapy, the child is trained towards the social use of speech, for instance they are trained not to interrupt their interlocutors, to focus on the topic of the conversation, to think of what they want to say, keeping control of their impulsivity.

The speech therapist aims at improving the non-verbal communication, for instance children learn to use the correct eyecontact, the appropriate gestures and expressions which are equally important in communication.

Moreover, the speech therapist will give advice and training to parents in order to apply at home the new rules for the correct use of speech. In addition, the speech therapist will have a close collaboration with teachers in order to provide strategies for the correct organization of the homework of the child.

Teachers will also be advised about ways of management of linguistic issues, as well as the social use of language, that is pragmatics.


Koudoumnaki Evi, Speech therapist

2106727015, 6946269293


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