
ADHD: 4 “tricks” to handle interruption

I think it’s important to recognise the extremely difficult challenges that parents of ADHD children have to go through. Some students often interrupt the flow of the lesson, even their classmates. At the same time, they make little noises, sing loudly or make gestures – they are called “troublemakers”. The cause of these symptoms is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, which provokes practical problems in the children’s daily life.

Impulsivity and lack of attention create tension in the little ones, resulting in the child speaking as the other person speaks. Typical parental experience follows:

“Educators mention Dimitris’ difficult behavior since he was 3. He always interrupts his friends, his teachers. It is hard for the teacher to complete his duty. We do not really know what to do! Actually, how could we help?”

“Today I went to ask Konstantinos’s teacher about his progress. I listened to him carefully: not any difference, since the previous comments: he interrupts the lesson, interrupts his friends, makes a fuss. I am anxious whether my son will be able to manage the situation.”

“Inside our house, we can NOT talk at all with Vassilis. He throws his opinion and it is hard for us to finish our conversation. I really can’t stand it. I am exhausted.”

How do we help the little ones to speak in turn?

•  The creative child with ADHD and the adult should agree on a secret gesture, e.g. the touch of the child’s arm, so as to stop him from interrupting. In this way, the child goes on his faculty without any challenge.
•  The alternative dietary reduces impulsivity and therefore the difficulty of interrupting.
•  Teaching how to use short sentences after the interlocutor’s breath, gives the desired results.
•  Following this tactic, the child gets rid of the chaos of thought slowly and starts trying to tune in to every context in which he finds himself.
•  Finally, we should mention the important role of the adult’s imitation who must respect and not interrupt each interlocutor – even the child.

For any further questions you can call i-paidi at 2106778528 or email at info@i-paidi.gr and you will receive professional advice.

We are allies of our children in the pursuit of their own happiness !!!

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