kids with ADHD:do they do sports?
«My son always runs but the other children won’t play with him. Why?»
«My daughter is quiet. She won’t play with other girls and she daydreams. She usually walks among fields with flowers.»
«My son does athletics. He will grow and become a good footballer.»
Common questions that mothers bring up while chatting with other mothers. And since they don’t find answers they send emails to ( ) to get an answer from the scientists-coworkers. Usually the first paragraph says: «Congratulations because your child does sports! In the future he/she will be able to participate in sports, to make friends, he/she will be happy!»
The rules that are usually set by the sports, the movement, “companionship” with other athletes and with the coach are fundamental for the overcoming of the difficulties of every participant! Parents, help your child take up a sport starting from the age of 4 – depending on his/her abilities, preferences and wants, and on your abilities as well. Here is a list of single or team sports, suggested according to your child’s needs.
Single sports
There are some sports such as running, swimming, weight lifting and gymnastics that are pleasant and also teach the children to evaluate themselves. Sometimes they scream: «Yes, yes, I did it!!!» and other times they say: «It’s not fair! Why wasn’t I able to make it today?» The young athletes evaluate themselves, they «live» the self- confidence. The young charismatic athlete with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) notwithstanding all the delusions in other daily activities, through sports they compete with themselves, not with other children, they follow the coach’s rules and they try for better scores, without hesitating in front of the difficulties of socialization.
Gradually the self-confidence increases and, feeling sure of themselves, children will try to participate in group sports. The paedopsychologist’s advice is necessary at this phase of the child’s development.
Group sports
Football, basketball, volleyball and tennis are sports that require specific effort of the athlete – child AND at the same time they require the attention to the reaction of the opponent and/or the player of the team AND quite a lot of patience waiting for the ball to be passed to them. Children with ADHD need special preparation in order to manage to participate in such sports. Of course, their developed intelligence with the right help form a young age is fundamental for their development.
Follow the above mentioned advice. What will be your son or daughter’s sport? The one he/she loves or will love. He/she might change at the beginning, he/she might try something different. But in the end he/she will end up with the one he/she likes best and he/she will train with pleasure. He/she might become a champion or even an Olympic champion if he has got the right training and the correct education-help.