
i-paidi: three years old

by Marianna Lagoumidi,

President i-paidi Scientific Family

The i-paidi Scientific Family, our i-paidi, will soon celebrate its third year from birth! The president, Marianna Lagoumidi, in collaboration with the two other members of the directory board, Frosso Boutou and Mary Melandinou, actively works on the further expansion of the i-paidi network through communication of its purposes and dissemination of its activities. We deeply care for all children, especially the charismatic ones with ADHD – this is evidenced by the constant information of and dialogues with parents, teachers and relative professionals. Thank you for sharing the same feeling!

What do we share?

– The unlimited love for the adorable child with ADHD (Attention Deficit and / or Hyperactivity Disorder).
– The deep desire to show off their intelligence and potential!
– Management tips for the teacher who has not been trained for but is seeking ways to cope with the intelligence and behavioral challenges of ADHD children. Primary school teachers put intense effort to educate all children (ADHD ones included) – but they are not actually supported, so far.
– 128 Food Recipes that are compatible with the difficulty!
– 46 Seminars throughout Greece.
– 12-webinars
– 25 Workshops in the neighborhoods of Attica.
– Hundreds of answers to written questions at lagoumidim@i-paidi.gr, on our facebook page i-paidi.gr or orally in individual meetings.

Here are some “heartfelt” comments from friends:

A. “I want, once again, to congratulate all of you who work in the i paidi team for your initiative to built and maintain this extremely interesting and very useful site for all parents and non-parents! Fortunately you are here and present informing us all about children and their proper upbringing. I acknowledge that we have this special need today, in the extremely difficult times we live in. ”

B. “As a parent yet but as a teacher, I experience that our little children often prove to be much more mature than us, the corresponding adults !!”

C. “In order to have healthy children not only physically but also mentally, it would be worthy to listen more to the experts ”

D. “i-paidi’s work has already spectacular results!!! I’m sure more will follow, hopefully.”

E. It was an exceptional seminar. More than 180 teachers and parents participated. I do not think there has ever been such a participation of citizens in the hall of the Municipal Council of Veria. The main speakers who gave the presentations, Ms. Lagoumidi and others, were all excellent. After 2,5 hours, people were still attending the lectures and in between dialogues, with unbelievable attention and interest – the final speech made by Ms. Stogianni. An unforgettable event!

The goal of the i-paidi Scientific Family is to support adorable children with ADHD so that their intelligence and creativity can be unveiled – while hyperactivity, impulsivity and distraction will be reduced. That’s what we do, that’s what we’re going to further develop. Our supporters are Panteion University, the Municipalities of Greece, the Regions of Greece, Associations of Parents and Guardians, Colleges, Universities in England and United States, Occupational Therapists, UNESCO Groups and others.

Contact us at lagoumidim@i-paidi.gr !

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