
What is i-paidi.gr?

i-paidi.gr has got  an aim: to give answer free of charge to every member, for related questions to the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is a team of highly specialized and experienced scientists. i-paidi.gr tends to be next to each child with ADHD. It is the first time that such a site has been created in Greece.

It gives answers to parents, teaching professionals, educators and students through articles and mails. It provides valid information through theoretical and practical advice.

Moreover, it offers speeches and group work in YouTube, at i-paidi.gr address. Finally, there is potentiality for Skype sessions.

i-paidi.gr recommends specialized speech therapists, pediatricians, pedo-psychologists and pedagogists free of charge so as to lessen the parents’-members’ anxiety.

Finally, it offers special discounts in selected professional places related to holidays, entertainment and books, all over Greece.

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